Monday, March 12, 2012

Nap Time Q&A

Hi Moms and Dads out there,

I have a question and if you're reading this please, Please, PLEASE leave me a response.  I am really wanting/needing some advice on this so please help a girl out.

With that said here goes.

For whatever reason I feel like Alessandra should be down to just one longer nap a day.  I have tried a couple times to drop a nap and it has been horrible.  She is a bear during the day, walks around with huge bags under her eyes, and then usually has a harder time going down at night because she is so exhausted and overtired by that point.

Side note:  Alessandra has never been one of those easy to bed kiddos.  She goes to sleep easily (and stays asleep) if you snuggle her to sleep and then transfer her to bed.  She is stubborn, strong willed, and opinionated - just like her father (not me  ;o)  ).  We've tried the cry it out method but that was a joke.  She literally cried through every nap three days straight, and that was the end of us trying the cry it out method.

So back to nap-time.  At what age did your kiddo (or kiddos you know) go from two shorter naps to one longer nap a day?  From the short description I left above do you agree that she may still need the two nap schedule or am I just being a softy?  And last but not least - What, in your opinion is a good nap-time routine?

Now like I said in the beginning I really am curious and really do want you to tell me.  If you think I'm crazy for doing things the way I've described then please tell me so, and more importantly tell me how you think it would be better.  Thank you in advance for you help and advice!

Dumbfounded in Dusseldorf 


  1. Thinking back on how her daddy and his brother & sister did, they were around 2 before they really got into just one nap a day (and then it wasn't long enough to suit me!!!).  I think you/she are doing just fine.  You are very intuitive to Alessandra's needs and if she's not ready for one longer nap, so be it.  When she is ready she'll let you know!

  2. I know how you feel about the crying it youngest will screen for 2 hrs...or I snuggle him to sleep..but she might still need thy 1 st might see it get shorter and eventually gone...or adjust to an earlier afternoon nap...I always let mine do their own schedual...easier...worked well with the older 2 ..lil guy is finally settling into his own.... good luck!!! Btw she is adorable! !!!

  3. Every kiddo is different, so if Alessandra still needs two naps a day, I'd just go with the flow!

  4. I agree with what's already been said, Momma knows best, if you think she still needs the 2 naps I would stick with it! I think Fiona switched to 1 nap around 18 months but she definitely was ready and chose to do so herself. We also used to snuggle Fiona to sleep and eventually got her to go down herself by working in stages. First we would rock her bedside and put her down once she was asleep then put her down when almost asleep and rub her back until she fell asleep then eventually just rub her back then just sit with her until asleep then all of a sudden we could just put her down, say night night and leave! It was like a miracle when it finally happened so it was worth all the time we had to put in. I'm only writing this because you asked, I know all kids are different and it wouldn't work for all. I miss you and love you!

  5. Both of my kids were about 2 when they went to a single nap.  My 3 year old still takes a nap, and it's usually for 2-3 hours depending on how hard he played.  Just listen to what she needs and she will tell you when she's ready for one nap.  You're a great mom and know what's best for her :)

  6. I agree with everyone else that if she needs 2 naps a day and is still sleeping at night then so be it. However, I know how hard it can be to have your day broken up that way so if you still want to try to get her to take one long nap a day you could put her down around 12. Maybe if it's earlier then she will take to it better. Also I wanted to note that if you are going to end up putting her in daycare you may have to get her down to one nap. At that age (in daycare land) they usually only give them one nap so you don't want her to feel exhausted there if she's not used to it. Find out what kind of schedule they have before you decide to cut out a nap. Unitl then enjoy thae fact that she loves sleeping and cuddling :D

  7. Melissaschwartz9713/3/12 5:15 PM

    Lily is 21 months and at Miss Lissa's (M-Th) she still (needs) takes two naps/day.  She also gets up really early, as Robb and I work at 7.  SOOOOO - I think she needs it and you know what - I'm  all for a happy toddler vs. one who has a melt down every other moment (Lily if she only has one nap at Lissa's).  As for Friday, Saturday and Sunday - she sleeps in.  Sometimes until 9:30!  One nap is all she will do - if we try for two, she either never settles down for a second and then is really crabby or takes two very, very short ones...I htink every kiddo is different and has unique needs.  You know her best and I think if she needs two naps - totally let her have them... ;-)

  8. The entrance into Daycare Land is what started the whole conversation.  Hope your settling in a little bit.  


  9. Thanks for the insight April!  One more quick question, were your kiddos in a structured daycare?


  10. Go with the flow - I think I can handle that!


  11. She definitely doesn't have a problem letting me know what she likes and doesn't like.  :o)


  12. No they weren't.  I'm fortunate enough that my mom stays home with them while I'm at work.  I agree with Reagan that if you're considering day care then easing her into one longer nap may be the best route. 

  13. I don't have any kids (except the fur kind!), but I had two naps until I was just over 4 years old. This helped when my little sister (at the time an infant) needed to go down for naps. I was always a great sleeper. The doctor told her not to fight it, especially as I was tiny for my age. It was a sign I was growing. If I wanted sleep, let me sleep! If only that was true now...mandatory nap time at work, anyone? :)
