Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So much to say...

...and so little time.

I have so many posts that I need to do, like my Newest Marrieds post for my little Keagan, and my Sweet Pea is 10 months old post, and the Things I don't want to forget post.  But I've been so busy doing a ton of research (AGAIN) on what stroller will work best for our family in our current and possible future environment.

So here's what we need.  We need a light, compact stroller that locks when closed so we can easily get it on and off trains and up and down four flights of stairs.  We need an all terrain stroller with larger foam filled tires so we can get around Leipzig's cobble stone streets, forests, and snow/ice.  We need a seat that will accommodate our little Sweet Pea until she doesn't want to ride in a stroller any more.  We need a stroller with a large canopy to keep her fair skin shaded from the sun.  We would like to have an adjustable push bar, and a large basket but these would just be perks.  We also need the stroller to be fairly affordable.  Now keep in mind as long as I'm here in Leipzig this stroller is our form of transportation.  It's how I do our shopping, how I get my exercise, how I'm able to get out and see my friends.  So when I say affordable I don't mean $100.00 it'll probably be closer to $400.00.  UUGGHH!

Anyway, that's where I've been - online shopping, review reading, and price comparing.  I promise I'll be back soon.  But I need to get this taken care of first.

If you have any suggestions on strollers I'm all ears!!!



  1. I went to amazon.de and then did the translation thing like the lady I sat by on way home from Germany told me about.  There is a Hauck 141 045 model  (and then one like it I think in bright fuschia) that shows good reviews.  One was sketchy but the actual review translations are way funny and don't make a lot of sense sometimes.  I can't go past one page though. Can't tell the kind of tires, but they are big in diameter, it's lightweight, folds easily, has adjustable handle and basket under.  Now I can't remember exact price, but maybe like 160 euros

  2. Unfortunately that one doesn't have an adjustable footrest and would probably be better on smooth sidewalks rather than my bumpy cobblestones and forest trails.  I'm going to need something with big bulky wheels.  We actually think we've found the right stroller but it's a bit more than we were wanting to spend.  Look at the Mutsy 4Rider Light.  What do you think?

  3. That one looks good--does it come with a canopy?  The one I found doesn't show one on any of the pics except one, and it isn't mentioned in the inclusions.  The wheels are awesome and I didn't think of adjustable footrest.  With Alessandra being petite that is important.

  4. Ja, the footrest will help now with how tiny she is and will also help in the future when she naps while we're on the go.  I don't know why all the pictures show it without a canopy, but yes, it has a pretty good sized sun shade.  Hopefully we'll be able to go to the store tomorrow and check it out.
