Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Ghetto?!?

So, I don't really live in the ghetto, but...

...there was a raid around the corner - just one street down from where we live.

...the people I see most often are usually drunk - even at 7:00 a.m. when I'm taking the girls for their walk.

...someone was either stabbed with a bottle or smashed over the head with one - now I didn't actually see this happen - I am deducing this from the smashed glass and blood all over the sidewalk that led into a neighboring building.

...my new neighbors, the newest ones that moved in while we were in Berlin, well, they're hookers, and I don't mean they make fishing tackle, although I wish they did.

I know this sounds horrible but  it really isn't that bad,
although all of these things really have happened.

Maybe it's a good thing I'll be in the States for a while!?!

So I want to hear from you - where was the sketchiest place you've ever lived?


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