Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Jennamerink!


Jennamerink is one of my couslings.  What is a cousling you ask?  Well, it's a cousin who's more like a sibling than a cousin.  When she was born I felt like I finally had the baby sister I always wished for.  Today my baby cousling graduated from high school.

How is this possible?

When did she grow up? 

When did I get so old?

Okay, long enough pitty party!
Back to my Jennamerink.  

I am so very, very proud of her.  She has always marched to the beat of her own drum and when you spend time with her you just can't help but march along side her.  She is as smart as a whip, and bullheaded, and caring, and determined, and loving, and funny, and confident, and beautiful, and carefree, and strong, and I could go on and on but all that really matters is that I love her so much!!!

Congratulations Jenna!

I am so proud of you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, really???? She graduated??? That is so great, but all the question marks are there because I can't believe little Jenna has grown so fast, which means we've gotten old(er) fast :) Please tell her congrats for me!
